Güncelleme Tarihi: 03 Ağustos 2023

Gösterim: 4345



Abstracts must be written in Turkish, English, French or German. Please note that abstracts must be sent via the abstract submission system on "send abstract".

** Once you get into the abstract submission system, please click on the "make submission" link and fill out the required information to send your abstract. The abstract submission system is user-friendly.


Those abstracts sent via email will not be taken into consideration. For any inconvenience in abstract submission, please do not hesitate to contact us. 


** The authors will receive the results of evaluation of their abstracts within 14-16 days after they send their abstracts. 


Abstract Format

The abstracts must be written neatly in Turkish, English, French or German. The purpose of the study, the method and the results must be stated clearly in the abstracts with practical focus. Those abstracts with a theoretical focus must indicate clearly the purpose of the study and the theoretical aspects. Abstracts must be between 200-300 words. The name(s) of the author(s), email addresses, or affiliations must not be included in the abstracts. Please write 3 - 5 keywords for your abstract. 


IMPORTANT! The congress will be held online.


Note: The presentation must be given in the language the abstract is written in. The presenters will be given 15 minutes for an oral presentation followed by 5 minutes of discussion (question-answer) session. An author can send maximum two papers for the congress.